TSP Information

Since November 3, 2010 Namirial S.p.A. has been a Certification Authority registered in the Italian public directory of supervised/accredited Certification Service Providers, maintained by AGID (previously known as DigitPA) which is the Italian Institutional for the promotion of Information Technology in Public Administration.

Trusted list

Minimum information regarding providers of digital signature services (certifiers) based on qualified certificates issued in conformity with Directive 1999/93/EC (following the European Commission's decision of 16 October 2009). 

IT_TSL_signed.xml (XML format)

EU Trusted List Trust Service Providers


The Services provided by Namirial S.p.A. Certification Authority are:

General Conditions of Digital Certification’s Services
The general conditions of digital certification services, which regulate the relationship between Namirial CA and the qualified certificate's owner, are accepted and signed by the latter at the moment of his/her Registration to the service.

Here, it is possible to download the contract relating to the general conditions of digital certification service's supply, and the informative document relative to questions of privacy and the treatment of personal data.

Further details can be found on www.firmacerta.it website and in the operative guide.

This page comply with the European Commission decision n. 2009/767/EC and the IT protocol "determinazione commissariale" n. 69/2010 of DigitPA chapter 5.

FirmaCerta - Carta Nazionale dei Servizi - CNS

Smart Card

Comoda sempre disponibile come la tua carta di credito
vai alla pagina

Token Sim Card

Facile da utilizzare con tutti i documenti riservati sempre con te e sempre protetti
vai alla pagina

Marcatura temporale

Per certificare in modo sicuro e legale la data e l'ora del documento creato
vai alla pagina

Software Firma Digitale

Software FirmaCerta Client conforme alla Del. CNIPA N. 45-21 Maggio 09
vai alla pagina

Lista certificatori

Namirial è autorità di Certificazione accreditato presso AgID (ex DigitPA)
elenco pubblico dei Certificatori


Privacy Policy - | Mappa sito - English Information - Elenco pubblico dei Certificatori


Sede legale 60019 Senigallia (AN), Via Caduti sul Lavoro n. 4 - P.IVA IT02046570426 - C.F. e iscriz. al Reg. Impr. Ancona N. 02046570426 - REA N. AN157295 - Codice destinatario T04ZHR3 - Capitale sociale € 8.256.361,60 i.v. - © Namirial S.p.A.